HVAC Website 2021 Statistics

There are over 105,000 HVAC companies on the US market, statistically, about 50% of them have a website and use it to get clients by it.  It proofs how important is the business website for them. Check our research results to learn more about the HVAC websites segment.

Facts about HVAC companies websites style and quality:

Website design ratings Small and Medium companies

HVAC companies websites ratings

The average age of the HVAC domain and website

The average age of the HVAC domain is 14 years. The average domain registration year is 2007. Most companies change their websites every 3 or 4 years.

Small and medium business domain age

Facts about HVAC websites age:

How many HVAC websites are mobile-friendly?

Mobile friendliness of small medium companies websites

32% of HVAC websites do not have a mobile version. Most of the HVAC websites (68%) are difficult to use on mobile devices.

What is the quality of user experience on HVAC websites?

Information on what the company does


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List of products or services provided by SMBs.





What results do websites of WWW companies obtain in Google Insights tests?

If you need help with your website scores, please contact us at hello@codenest.co. You can count on our advice. 

Insights about contact methods on HVAC websites

Common mistakes in contact methods on HVAC websites

What is the credibility level on HVAC websites?

What is the security level in HVAC websites?

What is the most popular CMS in HVAC websites?

WordPress is the most popular website CMS for HVAC companies. According to research 50-52% of HVAC companies in the United States use WordPress.