What tools do you use to manage an online web business?

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Owning an online business means you have a distributed workforce. This means your partners, employees, and contractors are located in different parts of the world.

However, to be able to run a successful online business that will bring in more revenue and increase productivity. It requires you to use various tools and applications. This tools and apps will help you to efficiently keep in touch with everyone at all time.

Therefore, to enable your business website to continually operate efficiently and increase user productivity;

Here are the 5 best tools we use when designing your website.

  • E-mail–  provide quick information sharing, integrate calendar tools to schedule meetings and other important events. it also ensures easy access on archived projects.
  • Skype call– with its audio and video calls, you will be able to easily communicate with everyone. This will save you a lot of money from making long distance phone calls.
  • Google Docs– it enables you to share documents with your employees and partners.  it also enables all parties to make changes which will be seen by all. In addition, it ensures no work is ever lost even if there is a power outage.
  • Trello Board- it will enable you to add new agendas, track previous discussions and assign new projects. You can also add client’s concerns in your staff meetings. with this invitation, your client will also be apart of the discussion.
  • Git repository– it enables you to communicate your ideas with your viewers. Moreover, also share your projects with fellow team members.