What programs do you use for design?

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There are so many programs options available for web designers. However, since we want to create a great website for our clients. We usually use the best software programs.

The Programs are:


Photoshop is the most widely used program in web designing. Since working in web design involves creating user interfaces (UI) elements such as wireframes, icons, graphics, and mockups.

Adobe Photoshop provides the capabilities needed to make these design elements transition smoothly and easy to produce.

The elements include

  • Photo editing
  • Image optimization
  • Page layout construction
  • Web asset building

Therefore, with photoshop, the website images will be easily adjusted as well as optimized for them to load faster.


Illustrator is an essential tool for creating web content and assets. Using strong layout and color management tools in Illustrator and the ability to use vector-based assets, we are able to create a beautiful and vibrant website.

With that kind of website, the business will bring in more visitors and revenue.

Experience Design (XD)

We use this program to create wireframes, prototypes, and mock-ups that can be displayed in live previews on desktops or mobile devices.

With XD, we are able to create the final screens for a design. Furthermore, we can animate and prototype the screens in the same software.

In addition, we are able to design multiple screens and link them quickly using the XD program.

Note that, we have experience in using other software programs such as Figma, Invision, Zeplin. However, we do not work on Mac’s – sketch.