Security and transparency is our number one priority here at Codenest when we are dealing with our clients. Therefore, to ensure a fast and secure way of payment. We have decided on two methods of payments.
With these two methods, we are able to cater to our clients in our business area, country and even overseas.
The two methods include:
- Bank Transfers
Owning a bank account in the polish Bank, our area clients can be able to make direct deposits to the account. On the other hand, if you are further away, transferring the money through the wire bank transfer is another best option.
The bank transfer is very easy and convenient since it will only take a few minutes for the transfer.
- PayPal Payment Method
Being the most common form of payment for overseas clients, PayPal is also ideal for clients who are in a rush. There are other clients who prefer the method because it has an integrated payment invoicing application. The application allows online invoice payments which streamlines the process and marks the invoice as paid.
Furthermore, PayPal being easy and fast, it allows us to begin the project on time since we will have accessed the down payment in an instant.
Therefore, with this two method of payment. We are assured that there will not be any delay in starting the project because of money transfer issues.
With these methods, we believe transparency will be maintained and also the client’s time and ours will be saved.